What is the process of trip cancellation?
Scope: This is to understand the possible reasons for trip cancellation facilitating the coordination among different departments. So that CX can move passengers, and offer wallet credit/refund/coupon accordingly.
Service Level Agreement (SLA): As per RACI Model
OurBus Admin Panel: https://admin.ourbus.com/login
Freshdesk: https://rallybus.freshdesk.com/a/tickets/filters/all_tickets
Freshcaller: https://rallybus.freshcaller.com/call-logs
Slack (Lines #team_bus-ops)- https://app.slack.com/client/T01KVP5TPJQ/C0247JX7NGJ
Slack (Events #team_events-ops)- https://app.slack.com/client/T01KVP5TPJQ/C01LX9AHSLV
Slack (#now_weather-status-update)- https://app.slack.com/client/T01KVP5TPJQ/C02N22E0CKT
Slack (#now_customer-service-experience)- https://app.slack.com/client/T01KVP5TPJQ/C01VDBYSDFX
Google Sheet: Rally- OurBus Procurement
Roles & Responsibilities:
RACI Model for Process Execution: Please read R as Responsible; A as Accountable; C as Consulted ; I as Informed
Customer Service: CS; Transport Provider: TP; Customer: CX ; Finance Team: FT ; Dispatch Operation: DO ; Planning Team: PT ; Bus Operations: BO; PC: Procurement Team
Trip Cancellation by Different Departments:
As soon as the Trip Cancellation Form (consisting of Trip Id, Trip Date & Cancellation Reason) is filled by
PT (Planning Team) due to ridership
DO (Dispatch Operations) due to weather conditions or Operators’ Emergency
PC (Procurement Team) will receive the form notification as a ticket on Freshdesk.
PC will inform the TP (Transport Provider) via email & call regarding the trip cancellation. Please note that it’s mandatory to get the acknowledgement from TP over the email to make sure that they have made the required changes in their system too.
Note: Request Operators’ Cancellation Policy to be updated in the Trip Cancellation Form later on.
Cancelling Trip on Admin Panel:
PC will go to <Full Schedule> on Admin Panel:
Click on <Trip Id> in green.
Once clicked, it will open up trip details.
Before clicking on <cancel trip>, do check the number of passengers booked on the trip.
If Riders=0, then proceed and click on <cancel trip>.
If Riders>0, then PC will click on <Stop Sales> and post on Slack channel <now_customer-service-experience> so that CX can follow up with the customers to reschedule or offer wallet credit/refund and move passengers. ( Herein CX is responsible for cancelling the trip in the Admin Panel once all the passengers have been addressed/moved/communicated).
Please note that after being cancelled, the trip will reflect in red on <Admin Panel> and also an automated email is being sent to the TP upon cancellation.
PC will update the same Freshdesk ticket & cancellation form to resolve the ticket.
How to update Cancellation Form?
Go to the <Update> option under “What do you want to do?”
Select from the below-mentioned options:
Requested: Trip Cancellation Policy has been requested from the operator.
Cancelled with 0% Cancellation Fees
Cancelled with Cancellation Fees
If you choose <Cancelled with Cancellation Fees>, it will provide you the below options. Select & submit the form.
How to update the Freshdesk Ticket?
Select the appropriate options under <Properties> & resolve the Freshdesk ticket:
PC will drop an email to FT notifying them about the trip cancellation to follow-up with the operator regarding payment.
Trip Payment Scenarios:
Pre- Paid: FT has to follow-up with the TP regarding their cancellation policy.These can be the following scenarios:
If TP is willing to refund the trip amount with/without penalty so that we can proceed accordingly.
Or they will offer the trip amount as a credit note for our future trip.
Post-Paid: FT has to follow-up with the TP for their cancellation policy if applicable.
Trip Cancellation by Different Departments:
Trip cancelled by Planning Team (PT) due to low ridership-
PT will post on Slack channel <team_bus-ops> to notify BO, DO & CX.
Upon receiving the information, BO will update the status of the trip in Rally-OurBus Procurement under <Lines Procurement Pipeline 2022> if required.
DO will inform the TP via email & call regarding the trip cancellation. Please note that it’s mandatory to get the acknowledgement from TP over the email to make sure that they have made the required changes in their system too.
Cancelling Trip on Admin Panel:
Either PT or DO will go to <Full Schedule> on Admin Panel:
Click on <Trip Id> in green.
Once clicked, it will open up trip details. Click on <Stop Sales>.
Before clicking on <cancel trip>, do check the number of passengers booked on the trip.
If Riders=0, then proceed and click on <cancel trip>.
If Riders>0, then DO will post on Slack channel <now_customer-service-experience> so that CX can follow up with the customers to reschedule or offer wallet credit/refund and proceed accordingly. ( Herein CX is responsible for cancelling the trip in the Admin Panel once all the passengers have been addressed).
Please note that after being cancelled, the trip will reflect in red on <Admin Panel>.
DO will drop an email to FT notifying them about the trip cancellation to follow-up with the operator regarding payment.
Trip Payment Scenarios:
Pre- Paid: FT has to follow-up with the TP regarding their cancellation policy.These can be the following scenarios:
If TP is willing to refund the trip amount with/without penalty so that we can proceed accordingly.
Or they will offer the trip amount as a credit for our future trip.
Post-Paid: FT has to follow-up with the TP for their cancellation policy.
Trip cancelled by Dispatch Operations due to bad weather-
As a part of their job responsibilities,DO shares the weather update one day prior to the trips scheduled.
DO will share their findings on weather & share the update on Slack <now_weather-status-update>.
Once done, PT & DO will decide which all trips will be affected & needs to be cancelled.
DO will once more check with TP regarding weather via call.
If TP informs us that they can still continue with the run, we will keep the trip going.
If TP agrees that the weather will be a barrier, we will proceed with the cancellation.
Upon receiving the information, BO will update the status of the trip in Rally-OurBus Procurement under <Lines Procurement Pipeline 2022> if required
Cancelling Trip on Admin Panel:
Either PT or DO will go to <Full Schedule> on Admin Panel:
Click on <Trip Id> in green.
Once clicked, it will open up trip details. Click on <Stop Sales>.
Before clicking on <cancel trip>, do check the number of passengers booked on the trip.
If Riders=0, then proceed and click on <cancel trip>.
If Riders>0, then DO will post on Slack channel <now_customer-service-experience> so that CX can follow up with the customers to reschedule or offer wallet credit/refund and proceed accordingly. ( Herein CX is responsible for cancelling the trip in the Admin Panel once all the passengers have been addressed).
Please note that after being cancelled, the trip will reflect in red on <Admin Panel>.
DO will drop an email to FT notifying them about the trip cancellation to follow-up with the operator regarding payment.
Trip Payment Follow-up:
Pre- Paid: FT has to follow-up with the TP regarding their cancellation policy.These can be the following scenarios:
If TP is willing to refund the trip amount with/without penalty so that we can proceed accordingly.
Or they will offer the trip amount as a credit for our future trip.
Post-Paid: FT has to follow-up with the TP for their cancellation policy.
Trip cancelled by Operator due to Driver Issue/Mechanical issue with the bus-
TP informs DO regarding the trip cancellation via email or call.
DO will notify BO too.
Upon receiving the information, BO will update the status of the trip in Rally-OurBus Procurement under <Lines Procurement Pipeline 2022> if required
Cancelling Trip on Admin Panel:
Either PT or DO will go to <Full Schedule> on Admin Panel:
Click on <Trip Id> in green.
Once clicked, it will open up trip details. Click on <Stop Sales>.
Before clicking on <cancel trip>, do check the number of passengers booked on the trip.
If Riders=0, then proceed and click on <cancel trip>.
If Riders>0, then DO will post on Slack channel <now_customer-service-experience> so that CX can follow up with the customers to reschedule or offer wallet credit/refund and proceed accordingly. ( Herein CX is responsible for cancelling the trip in the Admin Panel once all the passengers have been addressed).
Please note that after being cancelled, the trip will reflect in red on <Admin Panel>.
DO will drop an email to FT notifying them about the trip cancellation to follow-up with the operator regarding payment.
Trip Payment Follow-up:
Pre- Paid: FT has to follow-up with the TP regarding their cancellation policy.These can be the following scenarios:
If TP is willing to refund the trip amount with/without penalty so that we can proceed accordingly.
Or they will offer the trip amount as a credit for our future trip.
Post-Paid: FT has to follow-up with the TP for their cancellation policy.
Execution model: Based on RACI Model
Quality Check (QC): NA
Compliance Assessment (CA): Yes/No, if no what’s the reason? NA
Business Continuity Plan (BCP): NA
Work-Load assessment: NA
Cost Saving: NA
Total workload saving: NA
Impact on Turnaround time: NA
Average Transactions per month: NA
Total Cost Saving:NA