Objective :- Update and Streamlining Escalation or Supervisor Callback

Problem Statement : -

  • Current process of Supervisor callback is dependent on Slack

  • No past records to inline a defined process for cases which are Escalation

  • Outgoing call tagging is not mandate leads to an issue of no proper documentation

  • Enhancement of the entire CX team-members for Escalation handling is missing

Previous Process :-

  • Incoming Calls/Tickets (Tickets refers to as Non-voice cases) in which customer asks for escalation or callback from Supervisor

  • Specialist punch in the escalation callback request on Slack channel named cx-manager_callback-and-escalation and updating manually on Daily FCR sheet with a promise of call within 24-48 hours

  • Team-members (mainly Specialist or Strategists) pick the case and initiate the outgoing call to the PAX or Customer. Resolves the cases basis the concern/complaint

Updated Process :- (as on February 10, 2023

  • Incoming Calls/Tickets (Tickets refers to as Non-voice cases) in which customer asks for escalation or callback from Supervisor

  • Specialist will update the Google form with necessary details and promising a callback from Supervisor within 60 minutes (Note: working hours definition should be provided to the customer as per the calling window guidelines)

  • Specialist will tag the ticket under “Escalation Callback” as Query Type and select the apt Type 2

  • Google Sheets Response will be updated post submission and Strategist will pick the case and call the customer within the promised TAT to the customer by Specialists (first contact personnel)

  • Attempt 1: Supervisor will connect with PAX or Customer within 60 minutes

  • Attempt 2: If RNR (Ringing No Response), leave a voicemail and attempt calling the customer within next 60 minutes

  • If again RNR, send an email to the customer seeking the suitable time for call and if available, proposing the resolution over an email

  •  If Supervisor shift is getting over in between the attempts, (s)he will be notifying the available Lead and Reporting Manager regarding the same

  • The customer wants to further escalate it post Supervisor call, then Team Leads will call the customer within the next 60 minutes. In case of RNR, Send Email with all possible resolution seeking confirmation

  • Customer is still adamant post Team Lead call, Managers will call the customer within 30 minutes

  • Log the case with appropriate query type and notes (documentation) as per the scenario/query. Also, merge the ticket with the initial one

Expected Impact/Outcome :-

  • Escalation/Supervisor Callback process for CX department will be streamlined

  • Records of such cases will help in drafting training modules which will further enhance the skills of each team-members (Specialist) to handle complex issues from the initial stages

  • Strengthening the overall process for betterment for issues leading to escalation 

Changes Executed :-

  • Switching to Google Forms and Sheets from Slack. To avoid double work, expectation is to open the response sheet once you are logged in your shift

  • Added Query Type named “Escalation Callback” in FreshDesk

  • Mandatory Query Type, Type 2… tagging of the outgoing call tickets too for future reference and audits by the Supervisors

Process Flow Chart :-