Peer to Peer

Definition :- Evaluation of tickets/conversation by others working in the same field

Why it is required :-

  • To gain an understanding of my own work as well as that of my peers

  • As an individual, it will allow me to figure an effective way to utilize the skills of my peers and be productive as a team

  • Also, I will be helping my Managers discover hidden talent - the quiet performers who routinely produce exceptional work without recognition

Best Practices :-

  • The reviewer will be guaranteed complete anonymity

  • Reviewers should have a working knowledge of the reviewee's job duties and the skills needed to perform the job

  • Honest reviews that are fair and unbiased. Take time and think about the questions before answering them

  • Highlight immediate lapses to the management in the process, as and when found while auditing

  • Share the Good Practices to the Manager such as if one ticket is going to get resolved in multiple ways, share those multiple ways

Mechanism : -

  • Each team-member will be auditing 30 cases per week for other team-members

  • 2 from Call, 2 from Email and 2 from Chat per day and 10 per week per channel

  • Example being:

    • We have 11 team-members in the department

    • Each one of us will be auditing 30 cases in a week (6*5) per team-members

Those cases will be audited based on the Peer to Peer Audit Form