What is Knowledgebase?

A knowledgebase is a self-serve online library of information about a product, service, department, or topic. The data in your knowledgebase can come from anywhere. Typically, contributors who are well versed in the relevant subjects add to and expand the knowledge base.In general, a knowledgebase is centralised repository of information. A public/agent/company library, a database of related information about a particular subject

How many knowledgebases do we have in Rally OurBus?

FreshDesk Solution (FDS) is our main knowledgebase with articles related to our internal or external product & services.The same can be accessed here : https://support.rally.co/support/solutions

Incase of detailing on products it refers to Dev-ops Wiki https://dev.azure.com/rally-co/Platform/_wiki/wikis/Product.wiki/259/Sprint-Release-notes, which is designed to cater only tech oriented products. 

Addition to that we have Rally Lodestar help (?) on every page at the top right corner which will assist you with the steps to use a particular feature on that page.

What is the structure any one should follow to create a Knowledgebase in FDS?

Freshdesk solution has three layer of structure. Categories>>Folders>>Articles

Categories: Categories should be defined as Department or bigger sub departments in case of internal articles. If its a public (all users) then the articles should be related to in Helpdesk. It could be Riders Helpdesk (Only help desk active so far), Drivers help Desks, External Dispatch or Operators Helpdesk. We can create multiple Categories, however we should limit this to No. of Departments + External Help Desk/Desks.

Folders: We can create multiple Folders within a Category. However, we should limit this to particular functions/topics within a department. We can not create a sub folder within a folder. Hence, maintaining a clear segregation and internal references are mandate to make it more effective.

Articles: This is the main driver of Knowledge which help to create proper Tags for marking all the tickets under correct categories. Also. This is can be further utilised to design and create different courses of multiple learning programs during onboarding. Like New Hire Training Program, Process Training, On-Job Training, Performance improvement plan, Step up program etc

This will be also a base of Learning Management System (LMS) in Rally OurBus.

Who all can access the Knowledgebases on FreshDesk Solution?

Freshdesk solution can be accessed by anyone. However, depending on the type articles be it internal or external or designed for a targeted group/company, access can be created. Accesses are controlled at the Folder Levels.

Here are the definitions to creates Visibility Access:

ALL users: This creates public article and being used to publish on Helpdesks. Any one can access it. Only access level where No login Required.

Logged in Users: This refers to all the Contact of FD who has even used Helpdesk even once. Be it riders or any users.

Agents: This access level is limited only to the help desk agents.

Companies: If you want to limit any article to particular group of people/company, while creating their contact, you need to specify the group name or company name under Company. While creating the folders you can choose the company or a group.

BOT: The same can be used by BOT if implemented.

How many Categories that we have?

Internal Departments:

1. Rider Support FAQ: Helpdesk and Public

2. Internal Departments: Comprises All the functions and related articles underneath (Access controlled by the owners at this point)

  1. Operations
  2. Customer Experience
  3. Services & Products

Find the answers to the following in "Article" section.

How to publish an article?

How to write a title of an article to optimise the search engine in FDS?

What is description of an article all about