Business Process Document

Transaction Failed Error 

Rally Our bus

79 Madison Ave.

 NYC 10016


Table of Contents

Introduction                                                                                                                                                       3

Transaction Failed Error Process                                                                                                                     3

Process Document : Transaction Failed Error                                                                                   4       

Process Flow Diagram : transaction failed error                                                                                          6


The transaction failed rule is a security check set up in KOUNT to block unauthorized transactions or suspected transactions.

If the Kount finds suspicious activity on the customer's account, based on the logic factored (persona score and omni score) – the transaction is blocked. 

Explanation of Business Process Document

This process document defines the SOP for handling customer queries, where they are unable to purchase tickets from the Ourbus website as transactions are unsuccessful through the payment gateway. 

KOUNT portal is used to check the status of transactions with the reason for it’s failure. 

We use this information to provide a resolution to the customer. 


Business Process Document

Name of Process:

Transaction Failed Error – Incorrect Zip Code 

Process Owner:

Pragye Sharma 

Created By:

Pragye Sharma 

Last Updated By:

Pragye Sharma

Date Created:


Last Revision Date:


Process Purpose:

The purpose of the “Transaction Failed Error” process documentation is to normalize the entire process of handling transaction failed complaints from the customer. The aim is to ensure that the transaction failed requests (while purchasing tickets from are handled in an appropriate manner and within the specified timelines.

Process Scope:

The “Transaction Failed Error” process documentation will include the processes to handle payment failed queries from the customer.  

Process Input:

The process is initiated by a customer contact via any incoming channel namely Call, Email, Chat & Social media post.

Process Boundaries:

The starting boundary of the “Transaction Failed Error” process is defined by the customer’s request for clarity on the error whilst purchasing ticket from The process’s ending boundary is defined by a formal communication from Rally Ourbus to the customer about the status of the transaction and action required from customers to activate their account.   

Process Flow:

The customer contacts, requesting support on the error faced by them referring to the transaction failed error.

  • Email address registered with OurBus is requested from the customer. The email is searched on KOUNT portal to verify the reason for failed transaction.

  • Copy the customer's email address and paste in the search option in Kount portal. Open the latest transaction of the customer. 

Scenario 1: Omni Score (safety rating) - if the omni score is <15, the transactions will be declined. 

Further to this, on the bottom left corner of the KOUNT portal, click 1) Email ID 2) payment  3) device ID  and click on find link. 

Check if the transactions are getting Declined(D) or Approved(A)

If the transactions are getting declined, then request the customer to share the valid ID proof on [email protected]. Post that, confirm on Slack channel “cs-risk-compliance” about the documents shared by the customer and the error on the account. 

If the transactions are getting approved, there is no problem with OurBus gateway and customers should directly contact their bank.  


Scenario 2: Personna > 98 - if the personna score is >98, this means that customer has used multiple cards(>10) on account. 

Further to this, on the bottom left corner of the KOUNT portal, click 1) Email ID 2) payment  3) device ID  and click on find link. 

Check if the transactions are getting Declined(D) or Approved(A)

If the transactions are getting declined, then request the customer to share the valid ID proof on [email protected]. Post that, confirm on Slack channel “cs-risk-compliance” about the documents shared by the customer and the error on the account. 

If the transactions are getting approved, there is no problem with OurBus gateway and customers should directly contact their bank.  

Scenario 3: VIP Decline - After checking the email address on KOUNT, if the portal says “VIP Decline” this means that customer has disputed a transaction with us in the past. 

  • We ask the customer for valid ID proof and the reason for the dispute. 

If 1 or 2 transactions are disputed, the cs-compliance-team will activate the account post receiving the above information. 

  • If the customer has raised multiple disputes, then the account will not be activated again. 

  • Keep the cs-risk-compliance slack channel updated about the email address, reason for failed transaction and the sharing of documents by the customer on [email protected] 

  • The ETA to be shared with the customer is 24-48 hours for re-activation(in cases where investigation is passed)

  • Confirmation to the customer on the timeline for the account be activated. 

Process Output:

The customer is updated about the exact reason for the failed transaction and requirements to activate the account 

Exceptions to Normal Process Flow:

No exception to this process 

Control Points and Measurements:

Transaction Failed Error is a process to measure the security problems on customers' accounts and share the status of correction with the customer.

Business Process Flow Diagram