Business Process Document

         Unauthorized Charge

Rally Our bus

79 Madison Ave.

 NYC 10016


Table of Contents

Introduction                                                                                                                                                          3

Unauthorized charge Process                                                                                                                            4     

Process Document : Unauthorized Charge                                                                                                      4

Process Flow Diagram : Unauthorized Charge                                                                                                 5


The “card charged – unauthorized” process clearly defines the steps involved when the customer contacts for a charge on their account which they claim is not purchased by them. We research the customer account on the admin portal and check details for the amount and share the same with the customer. 

Explanation of Business Process Document 

The ticket purchase made by customers (linked with email address and phone number) are on admin and can be fetched using either of the details. 

When the customer claims they have not purchased ticket recently from OurBus and still a charge is reflecting in their bank statement, then we can verify from the admin panel and share the details with the customer. 

In case of any dispute, the customer will have to contact their respective bank regarding transactions which are not made by them. 

Business Process Document

Name of Process:

Card Charged - Unauthorized

Process Owner:

Pragye Sharma 

Created By:

Rally OurBus 

Last Updated By:

Pragye Sharma

Date Created:


Last Revision Date:


Process Purpose:

The purpose of the “card charged - unauthorized” process documentation is to normalize the entire process of handling contacts where the customer claims the transaction is not done by them. The aim is to ensure that unauthorized charge(claimed by customers) contacts are handled in an appropriate manner and within the specified timelines.

Process Scope:

The “Card Charged - Unauthorized” process documentation will include the processes to handle contacts in which a customer claims they have not purchased ticket from OurBus and still there’s a charge on the account.  

Process Input:

The process is initiated by a customer contact via any incoming channel  namely Call, Email, Chat & Social media post. 

Process Boundaries:

The starting boundary of the “card charged - unauthorized” process is defined by the customer's request for details on the recent transaction on their card, which they claim they have not initiated. The process’s ending boundary is defined by a formal communication to the customer on the transaction details and in case of dispute – a request to contact their bank 

Process Flow:

  • The customer contacts Ourbus by quoting that they have not purchased the ticket and someone else has done it.

  • The customer details are fetched from the admin portal using the email address

  • We can check from the admin panel and confirm the booking details with the customer. 

  • To verify the charge, we would need the Transaction Amount, Transaction Date, Last 4 digits of the card, Card Holder Name, Transaction ID and screenshot (if available) 

  • If the customer has a transaction ID, we can look for the ticket reference code using "Disputes Info" on the admin panel.

  • If the transaction ID is not available, then with the other information(date, cardholder name, transaction amount and last 4 digits of card), we will try to look for the transaction on AuthNet to verify the claim. We will identify the transaction ID and check the corresponding ticket reference code using Disputes Info.

  • Once the ticket is identified, we will share the ticket info (passenger's name, itinerary) with the customer and ask whether they are able to identify the person or not. If yes, we need to check if they want to retain the ticket or not. If they do not want to retain it, we will process the refund.

Process Output:

Confirmation to the customer about the charge on the system and further steps to contact the bank and raise this case. 

Exceptions to Normal Process Flow:

Control Points and Measurements:

The “Unauthorized charge” is a real-time process to share the details of the recent transaction on the customer account and charged value 

Business Process Flow Diagram