Process Document

                                                                    Wallet Activation 

Rally Our bus

79 Madison Ave.

 NYC 10016


Table of Contents

Introduction                                                                                                                                                        3

Wallet activation process                                                                                                                            3

Process Document - WALLET ACTIVATION                                                                                                     4      

Process Flow Diagram - Wallet activation                                                                                                        4


OurBus Wallet is a form of payment that can be used on the OurBus platform (both web & app). When you are purchasing anything on OurBus, it is as good as paying with a credit card. 

OurBus wallet is the fastest method to get refunds and any credits can be used to purchase tickets or passes from OurBus. 

Wallet Activation Process 

OurBus wallet needs to be activated on account for use. The activation is a one-time process and the steps to guide the customers are shared in this document.  

Once the wallet is activated, the customer can use the wallet to seek credits for ticket cancelation and use the same amount to purchase anything from OurBus. 

These credits are valid for 5 years. 

Process Document

Name of Process:

Wallet Activation

Process Owner:

Pragye Sharma 

Created By:

Rally OurBus 

Last Updated By:

Pragye Sharma

Date Created:


Last Revision Date:


Process Purpose:

The purpose of the Wallet Activation process documentation is to normalize the entire process of handling wallet requests for activation. The aim is to ensure that the wallet activation requests are handled in an appropriate manner and within the specified timelines.

Process Scope:

The wallet activation process documentation will include the processes to handle wallet activation requests and processes to use credits.

Process Input:

The process is initiated by a customer contact via any incoming channel, namely Call, Email, Chat, social media post, or contact us post.

Process Boundaries:

The starting boundary of the wallet activation process is defined by the customer request for receiving the credit amount in the wallet. The process’s ending boundary is defined by a formal communication from Rally-Ourbus to the customer about the wallet activation procedure and benefits.

Process Flow:

  1. The customer contacts for not being able to use wallet credits.

  2. The customer details are fetched from the admin portal and wallet activation status is shared with the customer.  

  3. The customer is requested to log in to the account on OurBus and use the link to activate the wallet. Alternatively, the cancelled ticket is resent to the customer and guided to activate the wallet using a green hyperlink to the wallet site(link is valid for 15 mins)

  4. If the customer is not receiving emails from OurBus, then the customer should be requested to check the spam folder. Additionally, we can confirm the email address registered with OurBus on the admin portal. 

  5. The wallet activation confirmation is shared with the customer.  

App downloads alternative 

  1. The customer is requested to download the application from IoS or Play Store. 

  2. On the left pane, the wallet link is to be clicked. 

  3. By clicking on the wallet link - the activation code is sent to the registered email address of the customer. 

  4. The customer can easily use the code sent on email and activate the wallet.

First Time User with OurBus

  1. The customer is requested to log in to OurBus account here and enter their email address. Click on "Recover Now" to reset the password if they haven't set up one yet.

  2. After logging into an account, click on "More" on the top-right section of the webpage and click on OurBus wallet. They can activate your wallet here. 

  3. Once the wallet is active, they can use it for booking tickets with us.

Process Output:

Activation of wallet for the customer for enabling them to use credits(given for refund, etc)

Exceptions to Normal Process Flow:

The wallet activation link has expired in the ticket. We can resend the canceled ticket to the customer and the green hyperlink will be valid for 15 mins. 

Control Points and Measurements:

The wallet activation is a real-time process and has no delays. The credits which are given in the wallet are instantly updated. 

Process Flow Diagram