Payment we accept:
Payment we do NOT accept:
Check (unless it’s an absolute must for single-payer charters only - see more on User-Created Events below)
When we charge:
Riders who book with PayPal are charged immediately
For riders who book using CC, the following applies:
If the rider books >30 days ahead of the event, she is always charged immediately, regardless of whether the trip is confirmed
If the rider books within 30 days of the event and her trip is not yet confirmed, then we just authorize her credit card without charging it
If the rider books within 30 days of the event for a confirmed trip, then her card is charged automatically
Price Increases
For school buses the increases are only 30 and 90 days out. These start at $25, go up to $30 90 days out and go up to $35 30 days out.
For other vehicle types the site warns of increases 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 days out. In reality, no price increases occur 15 days out, but we maintain the language to encourage people to book. The starting prices for these trips vary by factors such as distance, but each price increase is $5 regardless of all other factors.
Price Adjustments
Under rare circumstances, a trip the price might increase before the date listed on the trip page. If a customer reaches out regarding the price increase before the date listed, we will honor the original price.
We will not honor the price if a customer saw the price the day before we stated the price will rise and reaches out after the fact for a price adjustment.
Foreign Transaction Fees
Note: When customers book Rally internationally, they incur foreign transaction fees from their bank (to handle aspects of the transaction such as the conversion between currencies). International customers may reach out to us concerned about what happens if their trip is not confirmed. We can provide them with information on when we charge (see below) to help them make a decision, as we cannot control losses due to bank fees.